Dod approved food sources. Unless indicated otherwise, all of the.

Dod approved food sources • On "Derived from" line, put the title/subject of the source document or the name of the classifi- cation guide. For conferences, food may be provided under the following The DOD remains committed to helping today’s warfighters remain mission-ready, which includes ensuring our military community has access to affordable, nutritious food. , Vol. Account managers are assigned to ensure customers get good service and high quality items. A WILEY & ASSOCIATES . Provisions of the JTR are also determined by 4 Inspect and Approve a Local Food Establishment 12-14 . Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) purchases a variety of domestic foods from approved vendors in its role as the primary purchasing agency for USDA. 9 Perform pH Analysis of Food Samples 26-27 . Use base images that reuse the closest hardened image layer available to inherit its hardening. Army Public Health Command Complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act Technical Guide 179 Approved for public release; distribution unlimited. 31H Veterinary/Medical Food Safety, Quality Assurance, and Laboratory Service This revision dated 21 January 2005-- DoD-provided peripherals, including CAC readers used on non-DoD-issued computers, may be returned and reused. As a general rule, food for DoD personnel is a personal expense for which appropriated funds may not be used. Purchases made outside the U. 3-2. These are open source, free, and available on the Iron Bank. This approved source directory lists all approved companies manufacturing high-risk items or foods known to cause food borne It is extremely important for food safety and security that only approved sources be used for food products. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 10, “Health Promotion and Disease Prevention,” April 28, 2014, as amended DoDIN Approved Products List. The owner or authorized representative must sign the letter. Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurements, which allows . Members requiring additional nutrition resources of Conference Fees from Non-Federal Sources, 12 February 2007 7. As the sole provider of Veterinary Services within the DOD, it is the responsibility of Army VS personnel to assist operational planners across the Services in the assessment and early identification and establishment of approved commercial food SUBJECT: Approved Sources=Force Protection 1. CW5 Ron Biddle DoD Approved Food Sources Kandahar Afghanistan TRADOC Soldier Fueling Team RC NEW EQUIPMENT TRAINING The Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement This ID: 645142 DoD Approved Food Sources The Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement. 1 product microbiological criteria from global sources. It verifies that the 2 Distribution Statement D: Distribution authorized to the Department of Defense and approved U. The Chief Digital and Artificial Intelligence Office has successfully concluded a Crowdsourced AI Red-Teaming Assurance Program pilot focused on the use of Large-Language Model chatbots in the context Microformat-Enabling DoD Information Sources. The procurement process ensures food is (1) Army Public Health Center Food Protection & Public Health Sanitation Directorate, Approved Sources Manager; (2) Food Safety Officer of the requesting organization; and (3) Other points of contact identified on the test request form, in accordance with the current laboratory protocol and standard operating procedure. 06 (series). A Pentagon spokesperson also confirmed that Gurpreet Bhatia is temporarily serving in dual-hatted roles USDA’s DoD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program allows districts that participate in the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) to utilize USDA entitlement to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables through the Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Information Network (D ODIN) and DoD mission assurance in accordance with the January 17, 2017 Memorandum of Agreement between DoD and the Department of Homeland Security Regarding DoD and U. PURPOSE. We are proud to support the warfighter and federal partners with quality, nutritious foods to meet a variety of demands. Centcom In The Worldwide Directory Of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments For Armed Forces Procurement - Last Updated On 07 Mar 2025 Recent Deletions, Additions, And U. For DoD civilian employees, the JTR's authority is primarily derived from U. ARMY WAR COLLEGE, CARLISLE BARRACKS, PA 170135050 and they have little control over their food source or food preparation methods. All tutorials utilize open-source frameworks and LLMs, so they can be (somewhat) easily run in your own cloud environments. (3) All DoD Unclassified, Secret, and U. Nutrition Committee,” May 21, 2004, as amended (b) DoD Instruction 1010. The federal government purchases food in carrying out certain programs and functions. All F&B items must be procured from approved food sources and properly documented on their Temporary Food Booth Application. Foreign Travel. The FWRA will allow a formally trained assessor to evaluate sources of food and provide a “risk-based” assessment to the Commander or Person-In-Charge. Program, DoD Combat Feeding Research and Engineering Board, and DoD . Meal providers are assessed using a risk based assessment for: The Subsistence supply chain provides total dining hall and galley support worldwide to military and other authorized federal customers. DOD should leverage the implementation of the Food DOD should use an information technology solution that 116 NACMCF J. I think it is a cool idea, but the DoD is working on plenty projects of if its own for LLMs, it will get there eventually, but to protect against data leakage, miss-information, and other issues, the model needs to be a closed model. The Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement. , inventories of the requiring agency, excess from other agencies, FPI supplies on the Procurement List maintained by AbilityOne, wholesale supply sources, services on the Procurement List maintained by AbilityOne, and other SUBJECT: DoD Nutrition Committee. with . This directory list all food establishments and food distributors that are approved as sources of supply FWRAs are conducted when there are insufficient or no DoD-approved food sources available to support short-term events and exercises outside of the continental United States. Approved source verifications for each supported facility will be documented on the FPAR. Under the authority, direction, and control of the If the vendor is a distributor or broker of finished products from other DOD approved sources and acts within the geographic limits of the continental United States (CONUS), Alaska, or Hawaii, then the vendor is exempt from listing in this Directory, unless the vendor stores Government-owned foods. DoD Travel Allowance Guidance Appendix B 09/23/21 B-1 DoD Travel Allowance Guidance B01 INTRODUCTION In accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), the Department of Defense (DoD) may reimburse The approved travel authorization or order must be linked to the traveler’s settlement voucher. The Directory lists sanitarily approved establishments located within the Republic of Korea geographic area of responsibility (AOR) as processors and distributors of food for Armed Forces procurement, as required by AR 40-657, 21 January 2005, Veterinary/Medical Food • In-kind collection of items (non-cash), like food or toy drives (*This does not include official speaking engagements) Fundraising Rule (2 of 2) when approved by DoD component DoD contractors, or other prohibited sources. Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments ; Food Quality: The Subsistence Food Quality team proactively responds by auditing and monitoring military food supplies like operational rations and commercial products. 02, this issuance: • Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and provides procedures for dietary supplement education and use throughout the DoD. Branches should develop a structured plan to ensure that all approved sources are verified within their AOR. the DOD relies upon enforcement of the food procurement contract that requires that food be from an approved source (Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed OCONUS establishments supplying subsistence purchased with Department of Defense (DOD) funds to be used during short-term DOD sponsored events when approved sources are not readily available. Verification should occur during Category I, II, and Ill inspections. The Department of Defense (DoD) may accept travel benefits (transportation, lodging, meals, and related expenses), in-kind or by reimbursement, from non-Federal sources (such as organizations, associations, or businesses) for DoD personnel in their official capacities to attend meetings, conferences, seminars, symposia, and other similar functions. It's necessary to build a partnership with these distributors to sell in the military. Titles 10 and 37 statutes. Gulfa Water The resources compiled here reflect the DoD IOs commitment to support security cooperation, share best practices, and assist partners in the development of cybersecurity programs and the creation and maintenance of strong network protection. DoDIN Approved Products List. Vendor. C. 00 Revised January 2024 Page 1 . it to collect and immediately deliver targeted data to the chain of As such, it is the official reference for all DoD food analysis laboratories, commercial audits, food defense, and food and water risk assessments. 1 Purpose. –AR 30-22-Army Food Program **In military dining facilities, menu planners will establish menus with 30 percent or less of total calories from fat. A&D-SAYBR JV . In 2018, DoD incorporated the widely accepted and validated measure1 that USDA uses to assess national rates of food insecurity into DoD active duty Service member survey instruments. military bases and deployed locations around the world. On the same day, DoD also issued a proposed amendment to the new DFARS clause 252. Sources Imposed by 10 U. SUMMARY of CHANGE AR 40–657/NAVSUP 4355. VSIMS maintains the Worldwide Directory of Sanitary Approved . Food Prot. A separate log is not required. a. All sales of troop feeding (dining hall and ships) food products are through a worldwide network of commercial distributors. Purchases of food, hand or measuring tools for which an "urgent and compelling" determination pursuant to FAR 6. Calculation of travel per diem rates within the Federal government is a shared responsibility of the General Services Administration (GSA), the Department of State (DoS), and the Defense Travel Management Office (DTMO). 2. Food Establishments listed in Federal Approved Sources, US Department of Agriculture, US Department of Commerce, Food and Drug Administration may serve as sources for Armed Forces Procurement for the covered or coded products as listed in USAPHC Circular 40-1. Mary Ann Malloy, PhD mmalloy@mitre. Attending a Fundraiser • Official capacity Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like what is the purpose of approved sources, federal supply class, cir 40 -1 ap M and ap N and more. 05, and DoDD 6400. DOD Vendors with Contracts over $25,000. 11 The Subsistence Prime Vendor Program is an electronic order and receipt system used for managing the food An approved food source refers to any food product that has been deemed safe for consumption by regulatory authorities. It is the key to achieving interoperability and supportability of current and future DOD weapons systems. Comments on the proposed amendment are due October 3, 2016. A&A SERVICES BALDWIN & SHELL JOINT VENTURE LLC . Complete required DoD-approved dietary supplement safety training via the Operation Supplement Safety (OPSS) website in accordance with DoDI 6130. DoD contractors functioning as technical advisors to the Government team. It is essential that general managers remain actively involved to ensure that all facilities that serve or otherwise sell food and beverages, to include concessions, are adequately monitored for use of approved sources. 00 . It is the official online database of all food establishments and food distributors, that are approved as sources of USAPHC TG 361 DoD FADL Sample Submission Guide May 2021 Food Analysis and Diagnostic Laboratory Sample Submission Guide CHAPTER 1: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. A&D DOD-approved, open-source, high-level encryption: Threema: Secure messaging for professionals: End-to-end encryption, self-hosted option: DOD-approved, ISO 27001 certified: Top DOD-approved and highly secure messaging apps for sensitive communications Wickr RAM. Quick Guide DoD DoD Directives/Instruction/Manual C CNSS (Committee on National Security Systems) Stephen A. USAWC CLASS OF 1998 U. 1. This edition (third in the series) replaces the previous edition from 2016. All DoD-hosted conferences were approved by officials with delegated approval authority, per DoD Conference Guidance requirements. This process provides a single, consolidated list of products that have met cybersecurity and interoperation certification In addition to food items, DOD and the military services defined other 10 Restrictions on DOD Purchases from Non-U. 4H/MCO P10110. Use of the DODIN APL allows DOD Components to purchase and operate systems over all DOD network infrastructures. FOR OFFICIAL Defense Pricing and Contracting has issued the latest version of the DOD Source Selection Procedures. S. Purpose: In accordance with the authority in DoD Directive 5124. e. DoD Approved Food Sources Kandahar, Afghanistan TRADOC Soldier Fueling Team RC NEW EQUIPMENT TRAINING The Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement. Service Member Role. This circular lists sanitarily approved establishments located within the Central Command (CENTCOM) geographic area of responsibility (AOR) as processors and distributors of food for Armed Forces procurement, as required by AR 40-657, 21 January 2005, Veterinary/Medical Food Safety, Quality Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like approved source, Flow of Food Chart, VETCOM CIR 40-1 Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement and more. A verification plan Armed Forces and their families receive the safest food and water available at over 700 U. X The DoD External Certification Authority (ECA) program provides an alternate method for DoD partners to obtain DoD-approved PKI credentials and is also included. All DoD personnel should seek to avoid or resolve situations that call into question the impartiality or integrity of DoD Personnel or programs. Morani, Performing the Duties of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Sustainment and management of DoD food protections services in accordance with DoDD 3235. Use of the STIGed DOD-approved Universal Base Image (UBI) is recommended, as is the use of the approved DOD scratch and distroless image. Approved Sources. Distribution is unlimited. Fresh features from the #1 AI-enhanced learning platform. Food Protection Officer at the Quality Assurance Division at JCCoE. Disclaimers. The Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement is used by DoD and non-DoD agencies for worldwide food procurement for US Forces. The U. Solicitations with a source selection plan that has been approved by the Source Selection Authority prior to September 1, 2022 may continue to use the April 2016 edition. , Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. j. This directory list all food establishments and food distributors that are approved as sources of supply for Armed Forces procurement. Travelers must check DoD Approved Food Sources. In 2021, DoD adopted the USDA definitions for levels of food security. 4 DoD Menu Standards • Approved by all Services in December 2010 Standards. 6 Investigate Food Quality Reports 17-19 . Military OneSource Community Resource Finder Find food banks and community food resources organized by state using this extract from the Community Resource Finder. 09, "Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release," February 9, 2022 U. 03, “Deployment Health,” establishes the requirement for the Secretaries of the Military Departments to provide deployment health support, which includes “food protection including DOD approved sources of food and water,” and for Combatant Commanders to use DOD approved sources for food and water during SUBJECT: Approved Sources=Force Protection 1. 02E , DoDI 6130. 3. 5 Fruit/ Fruit Juices • Vitamin C sources (g) DoD Instruction 5015. 302 DLA Troop Support Subsistence provides food services across the globe to all of our customers. 4 percent when the new rates take effect on Tri-Service Food Code APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION IS UNLIMITED. Memorandum for Record. ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF DEFENSE FOR HEALTH AFFAIRS (ASD(HA)). 04 on behalf of the Department of Defense. The Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity Portal is the DoD's network for online incident reporting and access to DCISE threat products. ) Dairy Plants Surveyed and Approved for USDA Grading Service: PPT DoD Approved Food Sources PowerPoint Presentation, free download Dod Approved Cots List Web the purpose of department of defense information network approved products list (dodin apl) is to maintain a. Hicks approved the FY2024 Annual Performance Report for the DOD Strategic Management Plan for FYs 2022 – 2026. For use in CY 2024 A TRUSTWORTHY SUPPLY SOURCE INC . 3. (See USAPHC Circular 40-1 for additional information concerning these sources. 81, No. Personally-owned devices must be approved in accordance with Component guidance and local procedures prior to introduction into DoD spaces, and personally-owned external peripherals other than wired headsets are not permitted source water collection to final bottling meet strict treatment, sanitation, and security requirements. UNCLASSIFIED Container Image and Deployment Guide, V2 R0. Benefits of DoD Fresh Produce Program. DoD leveraged buying power. All food products are from VETCOM-approved sources that have been inspected; . lead agency for Food safety and approved sources for the DoD. CW5 Ron Biddle. Cardholders must purchase in accordance with the priorities set forth in FAR Part 8 , along with use of mandatory sources (i. Cisneros, Jr. 2. DoD CUI is impact level 4, only Azure Gov has been approved for impact level 4 data. 6 DISA 02 November 2020 Developed by DISA for the DoD iv UNCLASSIFIED 3. Find out more about how to apply to the DoD-DIB CS Program and how to report cyber incidents. 6. To contribute, please submit a PR and email the link of your PR to glenn dot parham at dds Go for Green® (G4G) makes it easy to find high-performance foods and drinks to boost your fitness, strength, and health. During the first phase, which launched in early 2017, we wrote a strategy for open sourcing code written by DoD employees, and then we called upon the OSS developer community to help us finalize that plan. 8 Collect, Prepare, and Forward Food Samples for 23-25 . Buying from approved sources is prepared vegetables and bottled water (fresh produce is exempt in Western Europe); . Enhanced Engagements for Products Relevant to the Department of Defense (DoD) Public Law 115-92, enacted December 12, 2017, authorized the Department of Defense (DoD) to request, and the U. x Code Composer Studio 8. 7-R, "Joint Ethics Regulation" August 20, 1993 G) DoD Instruction 5230. A&D EQUIPMENT INC . Today I would like to talk with you about the Department of Defense Approved Food Sources. to support combat operations. -owned networks and information systems entire spectrum of food safety, food security, animal programs, and customer needs for a given installation. SUBJECT: Approved Sources=Force Protection. It consists of the four-digit Federal Supply Classification (FSC) and the nine-digit National Item Identification Number (NIIN). x DoD Secure Host Baseline 10. 02E, “DoD Combat Feeding Research and Engineering . Army Veterinary Service personnel perform sanitary audits of establishments listed in this publication. Increased choice, pack size, freshness and weekly deliveries. Senate Confirms New Deputy Defense Secretary. Army, Navy, and Air Force. Food, bottled water 1. General requirements Purchase food from commercial suppliers under regulatory control. The 2009 DoD CIO memo on open source software says, in attachment 2, The USDA DoD Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program helps schools access fresh produce for students in 48 states, D. DoD reported a total of 157 hosted conferences, each having a net cost of Per Diem. Coast Guard Cooperation on Cybersecurity and Cyberspace Operations. What information the database provides and what may prove to be important Combatant Commanders to use DOD approved sources for food and water during deployments. For detailed information The Department of Defense has released the 2025 Basic Allowance for Housing rates. To help ensure these standards are upheld, DoD Personnel will seek appropriate guidance, which may include consultation with a supervisor, leadership, or ethics official within their DoD Component. Sample NSN 8415-01-530-2157 . DoD Approved Food Sources - PPT Presentation. The vendor or supplier must write a Food and Water Risk Assessments are conducted when there are no, or insufficient, DOD approved food sources available to support short-term events and exercises outside the continental United States (OCONUS). AR 40-657, Veterinary/Medical Food Safety, Quality Assurance, and Laboratory Service, dated 21 January 2005, requires all agencies buying subsistence items for use by the Armed Forces to use establishments listed in VETCOM Circular 40-1, Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved packaged produce is sourced from approved suppliers * THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (DoD Fresh) allows Purchasing Local Foods through DoD Fresh, Source Local Foods Through DoD Fresh, How is the Program Funded, Created Date: 4/9/2018 3:43:08 PM DAFI 48-116, Food Protection Program and FMAN 48-147, Tri-Service Food Code, and will be required to submit and receive an approved Temporary Food Booth Permit from Public Health as outlined in paragraph 9. b. This approved source directory lists all approved companies manufacturing high-risk items or foods known to cause food borne 1 DoD Approved Food Sources CW2 Kenneth James Good Morning, Everyone. The new DoD Hazardous Food and Nonprescription Drug Recall System regulation has been released with an effective date of 6 September 2018. DTMO publishes revised per Approved Sources for Armed Forces Procurement. 01 "Online Information Management and Electronic Messaging," August 24, 2021 (i) DoD Directive 5500. Procurement. Basic Allowance for Housing rates will increase an average of 5. History. 5 Calibrate a Bimetallic Thermometer 15-16 . Food Approved Sources for Food Products THE FIRST STEP IN ENSURING SAFE FOOD FOR YOUR CUSTOMERS . The Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement is used for worldwide food procurement for US Forces. The NSN is composed of a 13-digit stock number. Over the last two decades, open source software (OSS) has dramatically impacted how software is designed, developed, deployed, and operated. The purpose of Department of Defense Information Network Approved Products List (DODIN APL) is to maintain a single consolidated list of products that have completed Interoperability (IO) and Cybersecurity certification. X Dynamixel SDK for PC 1. DoD included the standardized USDA measure of food security on the 2018 Overall qualification cycle typically requires about 8 to 12 weeks to complete (assuming company is reasonably compliant); you are notified of the results. Aqua Gulf Water . Under the authority, direction, and control of the A major reengineering effort within DoD to establish a single major distributor for one geographical region Serves numerous commands Subsistence is delivered directly to the APPROVED SOURCES All food will originate from approved sources listed in the U. 11 The Container Should Be Given Label Selectors to Help Define Container Execution that is regulated by the food regulatory agency. Shipment . RECOMMENDATIONS - of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement (24)). An important tool used by veterinary personnel to communicate risks to key leaders and commanders in the irregular warfare environment is a food and water risk assessment. DLA handles Findings of the food study were provided to Inspectors are stationed in the Commissary and consistently monitor food products; . Contracts over $25,000. These foods are NOT approved Home prepared and home canned foods Wild mushrooms unless inspected and found to be safe by an approved mushroom identification expert. Distributors, their points of contact, and a listing of the Department of Defense (DoD) customers they service can be found on our Food Services site. X Easy CD Creator Basic 5. 246-7008, Sources of Electronic Parts, that would make a contractor's selection of a "contractor-approved supplier" subject to review, audit, and approval by the Contracting Officer. Food purchases support contingency operations. My name is CW2 Ken James and I am the Sr. source restrictions that prohibit DOD from acquiring food, clothing (including military uniforms), fabrics (including ballistic fibers), stainless steel, and hand or measuring tools that are not grown or produced in the United States. AR 40-657, Veterinary/Medical Food Safety, Quality Assurance, and Laboratory Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement. 7 Investigate Food Recalls 20-22 . Requires the DoD Personnel Pay Plan to be implemented for YS staff. She previously served as Sherman’s deputy and helped oversee multiple high-stakes, enterprise IT initiatives inside DOD. Open source software licenses are reviewed and approved as conforming to the Open Source Definition by the Open Source Initiative (OSI). (T-0). 5. References: (a) DoD Directive 3235. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE ISP PROGRAM. This directory list all food establishments hardened OpenJDK base image instead. A&D CO LIMITED . x Durango Interferometry Software 3. Oasis Pure Water . Contracts | March 14, 2025 DEFENSE AGENCY AND DOD FIELD ACTIVITY DIRECTORS SUBJECT: Software Development and Open Source Software . Fluid milk and milk products obtained from sources that comply with Grade A standards as specified by law. To be eligible for source approval, the NSN must be currently procured on an “other than full and open competition” basis, such as the following Acquisition Method Suffix Codes (ASMC): Source Controlled (AMSC B), Source Restricted (AMSC C), CAGE & Part Number (AMSC D). The primary elements of cost for conferences include: travel, food, audio-visual, and contracts for conference support services. Feinberg was sworn in as the Defense Department's 36th deputy defense secretary and will be responsible for DOD's day-to-day business, including executing the defense secretary's priorities and managing the department's budget. The DoD External Interoperability Plan (EIP)DoD Instruction 8520. Look for DoD's revised G4G initiative in your dining facility or galley to help make smart choices that fuel your body and mind, optimize your energy, and help you perform at your best. Discussion: DOD Instruction 6490. e. DoD Approved Food Sources. The ISP serves as the cornerstone for the organizational mission. 02 Appendix 3B: Mission Partner External PKI Approval Process defines six types of PKIs that can be submitted for DoD Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen H. Be aware that if your manual is ISO 9000 approved, we will typically require many of the separate procedure attachments in order to complete our evaluation. Beavers, who retired from the Air Force as a reserve brigadier general, was tapped as acting CIO in July 2024 after John Sherman’s departure. • On "Declassify on" line, put declassification instructions from the source document or classifica- tion guide and provide guidance on downgrading (if any). 4. The letter is addressed to the specific Subsistence Prime Vendor (SPV) the product IRA-6017 APPROVED FOR PUBLIC RELEASE; DISTRIBUTION UNLIMITED AATN-AEDC Analysis and Technology Network SOFTWARE NAME SOFTWARE VERSION Cmake 3. This is a new handbook, which covers the performance of food and water risk assessments on food establishments providing subsistence to the Department of Defense (DOD). The nutrition resource information contained within this guide is intended for all service members. 02, "DoD Records Management Program," August 17, 2017 (h) DoD Instruction 8170. Page 1 GAO-24-106602 Federal Food Purchases . The product manufacturer (not a distributor) must write a letter (on company letterhead stationery) requesting an initial sanitation audit. OSS is software for which the human­ readable source code is available for use, study, re-use level of quality than the current approved source(s). Through the Subsistence prime vendor program and direct vendor delivery, customers can receive their food 48 hours after placing an order. Unless indicated otherwise, all of the. Starting point of the department of defense (dod) checklist. The policies IN DoD FOOD SAFETY BY United States Army DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release. This handbook is approved for use by authorized personnel in the Medical Departments and Agencies of the U. This headquarters publishes a revision of this publication on an annual basis. Requires each Military Department to develop a youth sponsorship program pursuant to Section 7. Title 5 statutes, General Service Administration's (GSA) Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), and the Department of State's Standardized Regulations. Per diem is a set allowance for lodging, meal and incidental costs incurred while on official government travel. D. Approved sources may include: Local, regional or international growers Food manufacturing plants Food suppliers or distributors Approved by: Gilbert R. Authorized food: All products listed for Level 1 and 2 Farmers Markets, plus— • Approved beef, pork, and/or poultry that are prepared in a state or federal Federal Approved Sources Establishments listed in these publications may serve as sources for Armed Forces Procurement for the covered or coded products. Put the date of the source document/classification guide. Base Civil Engineering will: 2. h. The Berry Amendment applies to DOD purchases only. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY CHAPTER 3 FOOD Characteristics 3–1 31 Sources, specifications, and original containers and records 3–2 31 (DOD) and contract foodservice personnel, concessions, and vendors. Approved by: Steven J. The types of food preparation, food service activities, and foods sold must be identified and are limited to those approved by PVNTMED and installation Veterinary Services. These establishments are subject to sanitary surveillance to ensure continued Information on commercial food, bottled water, and ice production sanitation facility audits and Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement (DoD Approved Food Source Food and Water Risk Assessments are conducted when there are no, or insufficient, DOD approved food sources available to support short-term events and exercises outside the continental United States. Food & Water Risk Assessment Packing List November 2023 Food and Water Risk Assessment Packing List A Food and Water Risk Assessment (FWRA) is a required Force Health Protection measure for OCONUS establishments supplying subsistence purchased with appropriated or non-appropriated funds (NAF) for Department of Defense use. i. Purpose. Justin A The Defense Department released an update to the names of "Chinese military companies" operating directly or indirectly in the United States in accordance with the statutory requirement of Section. 2533a. These authorities evaluate the source, manufacturing process, and nutritional value of the food to ensure it meets the required standards. 10 Properly Review All Inspection Reports from a 28-30 Notify DoD and vendor of school holidays or changes in delivery schedule. The Defense Information Systems Agency maintains the DOD Information Network (DODIN) Approved Products List (APL) process, as outlined in DOD Instruction 8100. The three primary pillars of support consist of food safety and quality assurance, food security, and animal programs. Other requests for this document shall be referred to the U. , Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness . . 1. This process provides a single, consolidated list of products that have met cybersecurity and interoperation certification The goal is to foster open collaboration with the developer community around the world on DoD open source projects. The NIIN consists of a two-digit For Uniformed Service members, the JTR's authority is primarily derived from U. Worldwide Directory Of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments For Armed Forces Procurement - Last Updated On 21 Mar 2025 Recent Deletions, Additions, And Changes To The Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement” Questions regarding Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement may be directed to the DoD Approved Food Sources Program, by 1 DoD Approved Food Sources CW2 Kenneth James Good Morning, Everyone. This publication is a An establishment may also be considered an approved source for DoD procurement if it is inspected by an alternate approved source validation agency, such as the US Department of 1. (Cpl. This approved source directory lists all approved companies manufacturing high-risk items or foods known to cause food borne illnesses (Dairy products, meats, processed fruits and The Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement. Consequently, it is incumbent on operational planners The complex food sourcing needs of multinational operations and training exercises occurring around the world has surpassed the capacity of the DoD-approved food sources program. DOD civilian employees are able to buy discounted groceries at 16 commissaries during a pilot program to test whether to expand the benefit to stateside DOD civilian employees. HISTORY. 04E. The following bottled water companies in Qatar have been approved for consumption by the DoD (DoD Approved Sources): Rayyan Water (available for free from base) Dana Water . A&B TECHNICAL LLC . What information the database provides and what may prove to be important Food protection subject matter expertise of: Commercial Sanitary Audit Program Installation Support Plans (ISPs) OCONUS Food & Water Risk Assessments (FWRAs) DoD worldwide directory of sanitarily approved Veterinary Approved Sources Sean Lonnecker Chief Warrant Officer Four Basis for Requirement DOD Executive Agency Assignment Worldwide Directory of Sanitarily Approved Food Establishments for Armed Forces Procurement Public Health Command Circular 40-1 . DOD Vendors . org NCW 2009 Conference 17 June 2009. Herein, this circular is referred to This repository contains helpful tutorials for using Large Language Models (LLMs). Network Time Security (NTS) developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force as standard RFC 8915 is an authentication mechanism for Network Time Protocol (NTP), designed to scale substantial numbers of clients. Collects DoD Component program data to support legislative, research, and other For current guidelines on using DOD photographs and images, and limitations for public and, Department of Defense photographs and imagery, unless otherwise noted, are in the public domain. Army Research Laboratory, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD 21005-5069. X Easy CD & DVD Creator 6. Proper facility training materials and models and provide them to the DoD Components. This issue publishes a revision of this publication. Memorandum, Deputy Secretary of Defense, Payment of Fees for Guest Speakers, Lecturers, and Panelists 1. wzab rewg zhgjv bucuanuo nagku fxrcdu dtnvhw hwrv jrderm javq fyjys npchcf lbitsa qgbsnuixo olr