Ftl ce ship mods. ftl CE Vanilla Player Ships Loadouts Addon 1.
Ftl ce ship mods Eitherway, firebeam could be done if you have a way to bring shields down, whether temporarily (flak, lasers) or longer periods (ion, hacking). Before Insurrection, the Polish Kit was also known for its take on altering the most popular FTL mod in existence, Captain's Edition. Category i've been playing FTL CE mod for a while, but out of all of my runs, never beaten the flagship once (playing on medium, as that is the recommended difficulty). Hard-Light Bypass Extract the Slipstream Mod Manager Put my mod (. Co-create a ship (mod) Hey everyone, it's that time again. Fixed the bug where newer Hyperspace versions were incompatible. Qu'est-ce qu'un mod ? Un "mod" (abréviation de "modification") est une altération du jeu réalisée par un fan, qui permet de jouer de façon différente. Enjoy browsing the There are 3 versions of this mod: Vanilla AE, CE and CE infinite, each with a limited (350 scrap) or unlimited scrap version. However, the Infinite mod is not working properly, just the vanilla CE mods. And I would recomend trying MV at least once since MV is a great From the mod thread (too lazy to read it there?): CE Infinite The optional CE Infinite Addon lets you roam the galaxy freely. Would be awesome to build system rooms and make your ship larger as the game progresses. - All ships stripped down to only Piloting, Engines, Oxygen and Doors (all at level one) with a single Updated May 19, 2022, all Drone Schematic purchases finally give the correct ones. About this mod. FTL: Faster Than Light. This page documents the new Overview FTL: Hyperspace is a hard-coded mod (or "exe mod") which aims to extend the modding capabilities of FTL. Descent into Darkness is a complete overhaul modification for FTL. Scramble enemy ships' FTL computers, doubling the time it takes for them to jump. "The Automaton". all of the captains edition mods including the CE infinite and the Endless Unlike most mods which only propose one ship, this one replaces all ships with new variants and new weapons. For example: Captain's Edition offers more chaotic experience, e. Multiverse in my eyes is a completely different (still impressive) game then FTL and I want something vanilla friendly. I'm looking for ships that look cool and also sort of fit the FTL visuals. Some ships were tweaked a bit in order to play nice with the others. It provides a backend to more complex mods which were never possible before, adding features such as the ability to add completely new races with their own stats, a ship selector with infinite pages, and combining augments to create completely CE sectors also feature unique names. There is also CE Infinite, which turns FTL into an endless experience. This simple mod replaces type A and type C of the classic ship with a new recoloured version that actually uses the more saturated and lively colours found on all the other ships of The Update 1. I experimented around with Engi B to make an airless crew, filling it entirely with an AI staff. ftl Beginning Scrap Advantage 1. 3. (make page, link to it) Any non-ship mods that are not All ships can purchase artillery when playing Captains Edition. I see a LOT of FTL ship mods out there. 6. PLEASE DO NOT USE NEXUS MODS TO DOWNLOAD FTL: MULTIVERSE. ftl ,Better Planets and Backgrounds_v1. meklozz Posts: 350 Joined: Wed Sep 23, 2015 9:11 am. It's a very early beta build, so expect some This mod contains 28 new vanilla-like starting ship layouts, complete with custom weapons, polished art, and lore. 264. They lack features like having more than 1 page of player ships, weapons that have a chance to not take ammo (like an explosive I'v seen multiverse and I am not interested. Short version is, while using CE, I'm making a mod that adds different artillery for each ship and I would like some feedback on them, if you don't want to read context just skip to the quotes for the ideas. ftl Are there any mods that allow you to build your ship while in game? Like a space station defence style. ***DOWNLOAD LINK Pegasus V5*** Mediafire Weapons: Two new weapons, the Battlestar Main Battery, a six shot chargegun with brand new weapon animation and the Damage Control/Medical Team, which is a three in one system repairing Board index FTL General Mods Working Mods; It is currently Sun Mar 09, 2025 5:30 pm ; All times Biohazard063 Posts: 412 Joined: Fri Feb 14, 2014 4:38 pm [Ship-pack][AE][CE ready] The AI-cruisers. 1 - Updated mod for FTL 1. Many new blue options; most of CE's custom gear also gets their own blue options. In addition, some of the miniship Board index FTL General Mods Working Mods; It is currently Sat Mar 01, 2025 6:45 pm; All times are UTC [MOD] Better Floors mod ! AE/CE btw? It changes the CE ships. Shiny! Ship Greebles for Vanilla: Mediafire Shiny! Ship Greebles for CE: Mediafire More Details This mod is -not- vanilla balanced, with ships ranging from "so weak even easy vanilla is a challenge" to "curbstomp CE without breaking a sweat". Scramble CE Scramble Build A Ship. ftl FTL Captains Edition 1. It's a very early beta build, There are 3 versions of this mod: Vanilla AE, CE and CE infinite, each with a limited (350 scrap) or unlimited scrap version. Of course- the lore of by what you go with is kinda up to you; however I think there could be two main approaches to this mod: first add some neutral events and add the new ships, weapons, drones, etc. ftl AI_Cruiser_CE_V2. 301 for the Infinite mod. X) and has backwards compatibility. 1 Advanced Battle Systems v1. Instead, you are given a barebones ship hull I agree, Captain's Edition is pretty much a second Advanced Edition for FTL. If you keep the following rule in mind, it's pretty easy. com/f #FTL #mods #shipsAt least we've got a beefed up medbay ready to go!Dreamships, by Jacobsmash1: https://subsetgames. There are loads of ship mods, including ones from Star Trek and Firefly. Jsp. Anyone know what the problem is? I have the 1. you could say its FTL 2. MV is good don't get me wrong but it's just too easy There's several "complete overhaul" mods that will give you tons of new events, ships, weapons, etc. It adds nearly 300 new playable ships, over 500 new enemy vessels, over 200 new weapons and drones, and over 30 brand new sectors to explore! The events of FTL: Multiverse take place several decades or so after the events of the base game, during which time the I have several complaints for Captain's Edition. And I really don't like when rooms go outside of a ship. Origin With 3 AI ships under my belt, I thought it might be fitting to bundle them into 1 mod Well basically Tachyon is a multiplayer version of FTL. The exact progression is disputable, but the sector difficulty is roughly distributed as follows: (from easiest to most difficult, focusing on damage potential to the player ship) Civilian Coreworlds Quarantine Sectors Civilian SHIPS. I have a beta version for testing up, balancing still subject to change, names and descriptions are wrong for some artillery. ftl Ship - The Capital Cruiser AE. highly unfair events such as the "Rebel Traitor" event (where one of your crewmembers turns into a Rebel spy at a random beacon, leaving your crew, gain fleet boost for 2 jumps, and immediately encounter a Rebel Elite ship); acid nebula (where #FTL #mods #shipsSo I got "inspired" by another streamer to make this one. One of my favorite sci-fi ships was the SDF-1 from Macross/Robotech and while I’ve seen a lot of cool custom ships, I haven’t seen anyone do this one. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 6k-- The vanilla Kestrel has a slightly different colour scheme than all the other Federation ships. 3 diversityMod_0. Most overhauls of old like Captains Edition was made before the black magic of Hyperspace was made. You do not start with a single ship loadout and play the game regularly. 9, and then patch Hyperspace. There are also some plans to eventually automate this list as a self regulating google. ftl SCRAMBLE_BUILDASHIP. Although you can use the Superluminal 2 - ship editor for FTL:AE About Superluminal2 is a ship editor for FTL -- it provides a layer of abstraction over the game's files, aiming to make the task of creating a functional ship much easier and less | Any non-ship not-CE-related mods you are using | Better Planets and Backgrounds | FTL Captain's Edition | CE BPaB Compatibility Patch | CE Additional Music Addon | CE Infinite Addon | CE Endless Loot Addon | CE Shiny! Vanilla Portraits Patch for CE: Mediafire Ship Greebles Graphics Mod Compatibility: If you want to use Lord Trilobite's Ship Greebles Graphics Mod with Shiny!, download one of these patches for either Vanilla or CE. A mod that expands upon what is put in place by AE. 19. Fixed on May 19, 2022, all Drone Schematics will now give the correct ones. Post by Biohazard063 » Mon Nov 23, 2015 5:19 pm . 7. No matter if you are new to FTL modding or an experienced mod user - this is the place to get an overview of new and old mods for FTL Advanced Edition. CE is definitly a big recomendation if you want a lot of new 本人也是刚刚学会用ce,所以如果有疏漏之处还请大家包涵. 2_w_asteroids_and_graphics_fix Weaponanza v1. A Nah CE is great. All standard ftl mods use slipstream mod manager, but MV is different because it uses the hardcoded hyperspace api. I have been wanting to play the FTL Captain's Edition Infinite mod, and have the proper mods in the SlipStream Manager. ftl EL Texture Pack 1. ftl randomFlagship. Lolstitanic Because infinite add on or the ship mod idk which one engine upgrades was stupid expensive 560 for the next level iirc A long-standing fan and player of FTL, after years of playing and beating it, I'd finally decided to look up mods. ftl CE Additional Music Addon 1. Since the old master mod was abandoned and no longer functional anyway, modders had no real place to permanently showcase their mods. 1MB ; 35-- 24 This mod adds a new ship - The Federation Carrier - to the game, that is largely based on drone warfare! Based on original hull design by R4V3-0N. 1. ftl PotentialAE. It's still the only one that adds to the game. You don't have to worry much about the Rebel fleet and can trevel endlessly through the game, but you can always decide to take on you mission again and try to get closer to Federation base whenever you like. doc that everyone can add entries to. There's an enormous amount of lore, which I won't get into for now. UI and Graphics v1. A new playable crew faction, the AI Avatars, roams the galaxy. There is now a new version available. Russian Rockman, the Rockman | Any non-ship not-CE-related mods you are using | Better Planets and Backgrounds | CE Resource Pack | FTL Captain's Edition | CE BPaB Compatibility Patch | CE Additional Music Addon | CE Infinite Addon | CE Additional Music Infinite Compatibility patch | EL Texture Pack | CE Endless Loot Addon for CE Infinite | or | CE Endless Loot Addon standard FTL Supremacy Focuses on adding much stronger enemy ships as well as buffing player ships to extremes. Price is 150 and the weapon deals 3 ion damage and 1 system damage. The Inspired by Biohazard063 (me) : https://w FTL: Faster Than Light files ; By Malacos; 2KB ; 1. #FTL #mods #shipsStarting things with Captain's Edition as our "overhaul" and a ship made just for it!Honeyguide by Markus_McCLoud: https://subsetgames. With the exception of the Federation Cruisers, all ships can purchase a ship-specific artillery system at a shop. * Added the lanius to the crew random pool. Base cool down of 30 seconds (at lvl 1) and -6 seconds with every extra power bar going into it. Hello guest which functions as a reputation system between factions. 27. I got pretty lucky early on, a derelict ship yielded a Burst Laser IV Because if there's one things everyone gets confused on at some point, it's the order in which to load Captain's Edition into Slipstream's Mod Manager. Note: Federation Cruisers In the case of FTL, the community has created a number of mods, ranging from redesigns of the game's art all the way to mods which create brand new campaigns and gameplay modes. Post by JLtheking » Sat May 05, 2018 6:59 am . 6 update for FTL included replacing a lot of UI elements in the game, that had words, with elements that have symbols, such as evasion or oxygen, or the ship management button, so the game could be easier translated. Hello. If one or several of those mods are installed, their items (weapons, drones, augments) will also be available from the bottom of the menu (if not the pages will just be blank). All weapon models are part of Arsenal. More guns, more events, more augments, more pewpew, more FTL. I would recommend extracting the modified player ships into a patcher-type mod rather than repackaging CE in its entirety! FTL CE ZHO Mod. While marked as a listed contributor on the Title Screen, the author would eventually move back into the realm of adjusting CE once the work on Insurrection had mostly concluded. Dec 10, 2017 @ 10:18am Ship building mod ingame? There’s a variety of ways (beyond just zoltans and backup batteries) to have more than the normal reactor power limit in multiverse. When loaded correctly, the mod will function as it should, though errors may occur with Endless Loot. 3+ ! Gave more scrap allowance to the Captain ships to reflect closer to vanilla scrap values. Most of it boils down to commen sense though. If you want the old style back, this mod tries to reverse the changes as much as possible. I’ve never played with mods before and am wondering what you guys recommend? Have unlocked every ship except those special two on the side and am now working on the different layouts. A subreddit to discuss the Kickstarter-backed "roguelike-like" game FTL: Faster Than Light by Subset Games. I figured i'd make a new post for this one. Post by Time4Space » Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:37 pm . #3 < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . The 1. Reply reply Business, Economics, and Finance. Crypto Browse FTL: Multiverse mod for Faster Than Light files to download full releases, installer, sdk, patches, mods, demos, and media. 6 FTL: Multiverse is a massive overhaul mod for the game FTL: Faster Than Light. Endless Loot is a 'sub-mod' which heavily randomises the weapons. They have the best design work I've seen, especially some of the player ships in their optional ship packs. CE is indeed the biggest one out there for sure. I just want to hear some opinions. They have unique abilities, as well as their own ships and sector. 301. ftl FTL Supremacy v020. The pack now works in the latest version (1. 20 Yeah, there is going to be a version that is CE compatible in the future, but sadly, the way it infinite space works, it and this mod are Faster Than Light mods Browse the internet's best mods. Over 200 ships are available to pilot through the multiverse, each with their own unlock conditions. Top. 0 for CE - Rockman's graphics mod ||| Shiny! Ship Greebles for CE - Lord Trilobite made a Ship Greebles graphics mod and this makes it compatible with Rockman's mod for CE ||| Shiny! This ship has an artillery system that can be bought in a store (without needing another mod !). KartoFlane for the amazing Superluminal tool which allowed easy layout creation, and his good advice. Yes, this is as insane as it sounds; Balance mods. My problem is a lot of themdon't look very good. By adding crew via a First Beacon Event Mod**, FTL automatically assigns this ship the Automated feature, allowing it's systems Extended Pursuit Indicator x3 v. This FTL: drone ship mod. On the subject of vanilla, u/MikeHopley has a site listing some mods that improve the quality of the game without impacting any gameplay. Link. ftl CE Resource Pack 1. 265. Hide filters. ftl CE Vanilla Player Ships Loadouts Addon 1. It makes the absolutely unbearable ships (Engi B, Rock A, Fed C) into somewhat fun ships. ftl是一款可玩性较高的游戏,但对于本人这种策略游戏菜鸟来说,想要走到最后一个星系都很难. Edit 2: u/sleeper_service_CE asked me for a version with more scrap, so here it is: BYOS v0. But with it's own engine, logic, mechanics and of course some additional features - like being able to leave your ship for example. ARS+ is a Russian mod which is available in English thanks to an absolute legend who translates it. Change log: v0. 10 1500 scrap . a. Should now work with 1. ftl mod of the BattleStar Pegasus and her full compliment of fighter wings. the ships i have gotten the furthest with is crystal A and B and rock C. 5. ftl SCRAMBLE_CE. ftl. General changes the mod makes broadens the range of difficulty across sectors. I've also unlocked most of the achievements and all the ships except one. 3. ftl (*) randomFlagship. FTL: Faster Than Light > General Discussions > Topic Details. ftl Anyway, hope you find something out there that suits you. Also the game is made to be quite a bit mod-able, so you can create your own multiplayer adventures. Multiverse is an expansive overhaul mod to compete with the likes of ARS+ and Captains Edition, with over 500 new enemies (with brand new hulls), 73 new player ships, and over 100 new weapons and 80+ drones. . Re: 26 Flagships - Variable Flagship Challenge. JLtheking Posts: 13 Joined: Wed May 21, 2014 2:43 pm. Currently, I have CE installed, as well as IS and Endless Loot. 所以就想到用 【超越光速】教大家怎样用ce来修改ftl~~~ ,3dmgame FTL Captain's Edition (with CE Resource Pack) is the best full mod . Make it an endless survival. Changelog 0. There are mods like Better Planets and Backgrounds that make FTL look amazing, and things like the flagship randomizer that make that battle so much more Installation is more involved than most mods, but you can always get help from their active community. com/forum/viewtopic. Be sure to download the latest Scramble Menu Each of the player ships have gained and lost weapons, drones, and systems with the change to Captain's Edition. Other than that, though, individual ship mods that just add a new ship you can use and play the normal game (or CE) are pretty good. Link to said post. AE and CE ready. Taipan (by me, kinda): N/AProject Coalition : N/AIn this series, we'll be once again looking at custom ship mods. Example : Getting back into FTL after a long break. ftl Expanded Enemy Window 1. 0. g. FTL Captain's Edition Focuses on expanding events and weapons, as well as new enemy ships. Some types of artillery have the potential to be as useful as the Vindicator Beam, but might deal damage differently or provide other tactical benefits. #FTL #mods #shipsThis one was weird. So, I was wondering if there was a mod with like 50-60 maximum power (CE and IS compatible) and if someone here It replaces the FTL- Federation ships with Starfleet vessels from Star Trek and also adds weapons and sounds from the Star Trek Universe. 52 votes, 18 comments. ftl file extracted from zip) in the /mods folder of Slipstream Mod Manager Open SMM Select MadesRedo-MV-Hidden-Augments-Added-To-All-Ships. CE is the only mod that adds ridiculously good new content, although it also introduces a lot of crap and randomness. - All ships stripped down to only Piloting, Engines, Oxygen and Doors (all at level one) with a single crew member. 308 version for CE, and the 1. Open to all suggestions Thanks for all the suggestions, I’ll be unlocking all type B layouts before going onto the mods! -Strip all ships-Way down the line: Mod compatibility Hope you like it. 3 . But that isn't what makes Multiverse special. Update : All 16 ships in one single mod! Get all my ships in one easy mod. 26. Please see this post Copy pasted from the FTLgame Forum. ftl file - on MediaFire. Also adds a bunch of new player ships and other new features like FTL Multiverse v3. The process of installing them was a bit strange, but after I'd saw and installed captain's edition (CE), I felt glee, seeing all of I am getting pretty bored of what mods i currently have, and hope for something new mod list posted below FTL Captains Edition 1. Its because I change have to add a floor for type C cruisers, because in FTL the C and A floors types are the same. I wanted a mod that adds extra content to the game while still being grounded, blending into the story seamlessly. From Anomaly to Xanthoconite, all are here. 1 Aug 11 2020 Full Version Adds the new shell race My goal when designing this mod was to create new, fun starting ship loadouts different enough from the base game, while still maintaining a good amount of vanilla gameplay feel. Not sure if the mods are messing things up but after reading other people's comments i should be getting Captain's Edition adds Artillery systems to each ship, similar to the original Open Artillery mod. 3 Beginning Scrap Advantage 1. CE Resource Pack 1. BYOS CE is fully compatible with Captains edition, BYOS CE infinite with Captains Edition with Infinite Addon. (There are guides out there that can help you with this process) - Artillery is now buyable for Rebel stations if you have a suitable mod - Created Artillery Enabler Addon - Created the Thruster Terminals Tweak add-on - Updated tutorial and added more tips in the hangar and game-start - Mod will be more compatible with Stargate Mod 1. But now we have a new list, featuring only mods that are up to date with AE. download "CE BPaB Compatability Patch 1. Elite zoltans give 2 power, there’s an upgrade that doubles the power your zoltans give, there are drones that give power to the system rooms they are in (like zoltans), and I came across a “battery” weapon that gave 3 power to the weapon I've played FTL for about 4-5 months now, and have beaten the rebels quite a few times. MV has its own installer however you can use to simplify the process. If the mods are not loaded in the following order, CE may cause errors. Afterwards, I would try some smaller mods before diving into It is by far the best FTL mod out there. -Strip type C ships-Way down the line: Mod compatibility Hope you like it. ftl AutoScoutAE. 295. Among the first large "content pack" mods, Greetings fellow fans of FTL, today I bring you a new(ish) overhaul. THIS PAGE WILL NO LONGER BE UPDATED WITH NEW VERSIONS. Edit 3:I From the person who helped port Insurrection to the Hyperspace mod backend, I would strongly suggest continue playing vanilla until winning becomes near-second nature. They don't have to completely obviously, but a lot of ships are downright ugly looking I find. CE if I remember correctly adds I'm proud to share this . I am the PLEASE DO NOT USE NEXUS MODS TO DOWNLOAD FTL: MULTIVERSE. Introducing my first FTL mod A collaboration between Engi and Slug scientists of the Federation to replicate the rogue AI-C001 resulted in the creation of AI-C002 a. ftl, CE, CE infinite, CE endless loot for infinite, random flagship (rerolled each time I win a run, never look at data), various ship mods, CRAZE_MORECREW2. but feel free to check out the Subset Games forum (https: Take a look at the FTL Modding Compendium for a great list of FTL mods. Backgrounds Mod CE Resource Pack Expansion - FTL Captain's Remix And a build running sMPK Insurrection with the full experience will work with: Alpha - sMPK for AE An altered version of the CE Player Ships mod is also included to attempt to solve any issues that came as a result of alterations in the patch. 2. 1 KRS Turning The Scramble Menu is also compatible with some major FTL mods (see list below). ftl (dismiss the extra crew at first beacon), some other misc mods. 1 New Enemy Classes 0. php?f=11&t=35094Captai. Inspired by /u/Ymir_from_Saturn in this reddit thread, I've created a mod that lets you customize your ships equipment and crew on the first beacon. Or spice things up with mods like the ship randomizer or flagship Inspired by u/Ymir_from_Saturn in this thread, I've created a mod that lets you customize your ships equipment and crew on the first beacon. ftl CE Endless Loot Addon for standard CE 1. There are many new races, subclasses of races and other mechanics (abilities, new type of weapon) and A LOT of ships, and it FTL Mod대형 모드- FTL Captain's Edition (FTL CE)FTL Captain's Edition 포럼 페이지FTL:CE 한글패치 100% FTL CE 한패 dat 파일CE 무기 리뷰 - 대함 레이 Detailed Guide on Unlocking Ships (함선 언락 가이드) [극스압] MV 강화장치 정리 & 정보글 Preferably without replacing an existing class of ship. Hi i just created my own ftl mod, this mod replaces the engi cruiser type A and replaces it with a custom made cruiser i still need to change the textures, the current texture's are from the game. anyone having any other good ships? Broken shields: reduces all player ships’ starting shields level to 1, for shieldless runs; No free reactor upgrades: removes all free reactor rewards, for a “no reactor upgrades” challenge; No reactor: removes all reactor power from player ships, for reactorless runs. CE's fire focus beam pierced shields but with the drawback of it only hitting 1 tile. These do change ftlのmodを拡張することを目的としたハードコードmod(または「exe mod」)。 古いMODには併用出来ないものもある。 独自のステータスを持つ全く新しい種族の追加、無限のページを持つ船体選択画面、拡張パーツを組み合わせるなど、データ書換以上のMODを Twinge's Balance Mod v6. try it out and give some feedback If I was you, give CE a couple of runs or insurrection (CE is the OG mod and a bit outdated but great fun regardless) and insurrection just recently got updated again after the dev has been absent for a while and in all honesty it looks super clean. Edit: Link to the mod on the FTL forums. The only mod I can think of that does this is Captains Edition. The weapons are only available with the starting ships though, and not in stores. 0+ - Minor improvements and fixes 1. ftl MTE 1. 32: Vhati for the remarkable SMM tool which makes all . ftl (*2) It doesn't really matter where visuals go, but overhauls should always be above ship mods. ftl FasterThanXmas_v006. and then later finish the mod for a "version 2" for your story, this way you get the neutral version and the story heavy version and to a degree CE Non-EL Enemy Loadouts Addon 1. The Captain's Edition loadouts show off some of the new features in the mod, as well as create a tougher challenge; these loadouts can be reverted back to their originals with an additional (optional) mod, CE Vanilla Player Ship Loadouts. 95 (mixed with vanilla) FTL-Additional-Events-and-Texts (version 2012-10-04) Extra Names Mod 1. 7 UnlockedAugmentations_1. 1 Engi Scrap Advantage 1. But mods that goes well with CE? Well it's sort of a tough one to do besides suggesting certain ship mods or CE and MV arent compatible in the slightest, both functionally and in terms of design. After spending way too much time making this mod, (playtesting alone has added 200 hours to my total FTL steam playtime,) I think I have achieved this goal quite well If you decide to use Hyperspace, be aware that the installation process is a bit more complicated than simply patching it on Slipstream; you’ll have to first copy over some of the hyperspace files into your FTL folder, downgrade FTL to version 1. 1 DronesPlus_0. 0" from the ftl forums or reddit and activate those mods fallowing this load order: | Any non-ship not-CE-related mods you are using | Better Planets and Backgrounds | FTL Captain's Edition | CE BPaB Compatibility Patch | CE FTL:CE Infinite Addon + Modded ship "Potential" results in some rather OP runs comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. ftl CE BPaB Compatibility Patch 1. Personally, I'm using CE Infinite which drags the game out substantially for a game to be played over several hours (if successful) instead of 40 minutes. I suppose you can start looking into individual ship mods. 261. ftl mods possible. Per page: 15 30 50. k. Every faction has their own signature cruiser, all with A, B and C variants, and encourage different playstyles with unique crew, Firstly, CE is very difficult and it is suggested that you should probably play it well after you unlocked your fair share of vanilla ships and feel for an extra challenge. For presentation, art, and music, I have a soft spot for Arsenal+. While the Vindicator * Added CE build for randomized ship (must have CE installed in order to use). ftl Extended Pursuit Indicator x3 v. ftl Randtrel. hwnbtdeiizfvzvjssmgxulsktwodhikkmcwafoqxzqwyuhsumtbhxzkqbqvmvdhduiowsupwylgkos