Is hanafi witr wrong. And opposes the sunnah.
Is hanafi witr wrong According to the Hanafi madhab, Witr In Hanafi Witr (performed after ʿIshā’), one makes duʿā’ qunūt just before going into rukūʿ of the single Witr rakʿa. According to the Hanafi Fiqh, the Witr salah consists of three rakaats with one salaam at the end. As-salāmu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullāhi wa-barakātuh. Related Q&A. Your witr prayer was nonetheless valid, and, because the time of this prayer has now ended, it will be merely recommended (mustahab) for you to repeat this The Hanafi position is that there is nothing wrong with praying nafl after the Witr prayer. I have read that the opinion of Imam Muhammad and Abu Yusuf is that the witr prayer is not wajib. In fact, the apparent meaning of various ahadeeth seem to indicate that praying nafl prayers after Witr was the practice of the Messenger of Allah (sallAllahu If a person forgets to recite Dua e Qunoot in Namaz e Witr, is it possible to recite it after coming from Ruku before going to Sajda? 1)If I forget the Dua-Qunoot in the Witr, Is it valid or Sajda Sahw is necessary. This discourse emphasizes unity within the Ummah despite differing schools of thought in Islamic jurisprudence. Ibn Hajar mentions in the Tuhfa that it is superior to pray the witr prayer after waking up from sleep, even Answer. Doing so is NOT makruh (legally reprehensible) nor does it invalidate one’s witr prayer. [i] You should perform your Hanafi Fiqh. Syate and Christian vase on a false fatwa or Hadith or wrong Witr is wajib for hanafi, therefore obligatory. Pls guide as to which Hadith is the basis for Hanafi witr Answer: In the Name of Allah, Answer. In the Islamic centre where I pray, they follow the Hanafi madhhab, and they pray witr with three rak’ahs, separated by a tashahhud in the second rak’ah, after which they do not This is a collection of hadith proofs for the Hanafi method of Witr. Consequently, if it is missed, it needs to What you have said – may Allaah guide you – about not wanting to make Witr resemble Maghrib by raising your hands for the Takbeer before reciting Du’aa’ al-Qunoot, is not what is meant by the prohibition of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) in the hadeeth narrated by al-Haakim (1/304), al-Bayhaqi (3/31) and al Similarly, by stating that the witr is one rak’a performed before the end of the time, the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wasallam) is only defining the distinctive factor between witr and two rak’ats of tahajjud; that adding an extra rak’a to the last two rak’ats of tahajjud would render all three rak’ats into witr, thus allowing the The minimum number of rakats for witr in the Hanafi school is 3. 35/656), Abū Mūsa al-Ashʿarī (d. upon Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalam alaykum Is the witr prayer mandatory and do I have to make it up if I haven’t prayed it? Answer: Wa alaikum assalam wa rahmatullah, Yes, the Hanafi school deems the witr prayer to be operationally obligatory (fard ‘amali). The Hanafi Madhab says witr is Wajib , While others say Witr is sunnah. It’s more a feeling of defeat. 167 likes, 4 comments - salafidawah01 on March 17, 2025: "The hanafi way of praying witr is incorrect. was not in line with what you were supposed to do as you have performed too many prostrations of forgetfulness in the wrong places. Answered by Shaykh Faraz Rabbani I would like to know if Salat-ul-Witr is accepted without reciting Dua-e-Qunoot? Answer: Walaikum assalam, The witr prayer is necessary in the Hanafi school. Discover the significance of performing Witr prayer in Taraweeh with a Hanafi Imam during Ramadan. That getting up and praying the 5–which is hard for me The Prophet ﷺ performed Witr Ṣalāh in this manner as well, as narrated in Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī (990, 993) and other ḥadīth books. Pray 2 rakah complete. Hanafis use as evidence : Narrated by Abu Ayyub who narrated from the Prophet (Peace be upon him) who said: Witr is a "RIGHT (HAQQ)" upon you which is “WAJIB”. This is a powerful way to seek Allah’s guidance, mercy, and protec Dua e Qunoot with Arabic, English/Urdu translations for prayer. Question. Sunnah is not obligatory Besides, “guilt” is kind of the wrong word upon further reflection. They stated that it is permitted for Hanafis to pray witr behind Shafiis even if it differs from the Hanafi way of Wajib in Hanafi fiqh is that obligatory action which is established not through the Qur'an or mass transmitted hadiths. It is also permissible for you to follow any of the other well-known madhhabs and views of the prominent scholars. Generally, the followers of the respective aforementioned scholars will perform the Witr by reading two rakaats with one salaam and then I don't follow particular madthab, and It happened that I've prayed in a Turkish Hanafi Mosuque. Due to the variety of narrations, there are some differences in their conclusions. ; Many companions performed Witr Ṣalāh in this manner including ʿAbd Allah ibn ʿUmar (d. 206). With a personal account of choosing a local Hanafi mosque for prayers over advice from an Ahle Hadith scholar, the importance of adhering to local Answered by Shaykh Abdullah Anik Misra Question: I am from Hanafi madhab and have been praying witr as three rakat, in which the 3rd rakat has an additional takbeer+qunoot. 277-282] for many reasons, including the fact that besides this, it is agreed that there is no such thing as a . 73/693), ʿUthmān ibn ʿAffān (d. To sum up: there is nothing wrong with continuing to follow the Hanafi madhhab whilst adhering to sound beliefs. It is a 3 rakat prayer, like maghrib in form, though one must recite both the Fatiha and the equivalent of three short Answered by Shaykh Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Mangera Is the dua e qunut mandatory in the witr prayer? How is the qunut to be done during the witr (could you explain it step by step as I didn't understand it so far)? Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Qibla. This comprehensive guide outlines the key aspects of the Witr prayer, emphasizing I have missed a lot of prayers in the past, and i am slowly making them up. com » Qunut in witr prayer. In fact, the apparent meaning of various ahadeeth Do I Need to Repeat the Witr Prayer? Should I perform Witr in congregation if I haven't completed all 20 rakats of Tarawih prayers? Can Tarawih be completed after Witr has been prayed? Do You Have to Pray Make Up Prayers in Order? Praying Witr when Making up Missed Prayers; Missed Witr Prayers; Making up Shafii prayers as a Hanafi In the Name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. I bear witness that I heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ say: Maulana sahab, here when we pray witr in masjid ul haram the witr is prayed in such a way that first 2 rakats and then one, so since i am a hanafy so what should i do then, also that when in last raka'ah of witr when imam does dua can we raise our hands and thereafter wipe them on face? It is valid to pray witr behind a Hanafi imam, since the Hanafi way of praying witr does not include anything that invalidates the prayer in the Shafi’i school. Muhaddith Nimawi (RA) has declared it Sahih (authentic) This is a clear proof for the Hanafi Madhab in that the Maghrib Salaat and Witr will be identical in all aspects, except the Qiraat in the third Rakaat. one of our aalim (hanafi aalim moulana Nawal ur rahman from U. in the third Rakaat. They understood the 1-rakat narrations to mean, “added one rakat more to a 2-rakat prayer,” as explained by Imam Abu Ja`far al-Tahawi in his Sharh Ma`ani al-Athar [1. In principle, according to Hanafi school of thought, it is waajib to perform three rak’at witr with one salaam. I consulted a number of leading Hanafi scholars, including Mufti Rafi Usmani (Grand Mufti of Pakistan), about this. Imam Malik (RA), Imam Shafee (RA) and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (RA) say that the Witr Answered by Ustadh Tabraze Azam Question: Assalamualaikum. 2) Maghrib Salaat. However, leading Imams within the Hanafi Madhab and outside of it did differ. For more The Hanafi position is that there is nothing wrong with praying nafl after the Witr prayer. So Ubadah ibn as-Samit said: Abu Muhammad is wrong. 57/676-7) and others (may Allah be pleased with them). 1 pg. Like normal, then after you finish 2 rakah stand up straight away and pray 1 more rakah. Answered by Ustadh Sufyan Qufi. In this video, we will guide you th According to the Hanafi Fiqh, the Witr salah consists of three rakaats with one salaam at the end. It is divided into five sections: The first section is on the evidences for Witr consisting of three rak‘ahs The second is on the evidences for there being only one set of salams Your Question: according to hanafi fiqh witr is not as what the shafai`s pray. S. How to pray witr ⬇️ 1. In this rakah you recite like you do normally. Due to the variety of narrations, there are some differences in their About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Question: Can a Hanafi pray Witr behind a Shafi`i? Answer: I pray this finds you in the best of health and spirits. There are various narrations from the Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace), his companions and their followers (tabiʿun) regarding salat al-witr. A) gave fatwa that witr behind a shafai is not Discover the correct way to perform the Witr prayer according to the Hanafi School of thought. Some hadiths narrate a different way of praying. Can I take this opinion and not make them up? Differences in the Witr Prayer and the Hanafi Position There is a difference of opinion on the method of performing the Witr prayer after Isha among the legal schools of thought. e. As a Hanafi I am looking for the clear evidence why we pray witr with 3 rakats with 1 tasleem and sit down 2 times? Living in Is Hanafi Witr Wrong? In this insightful video, we will discuss the Hanafi perspective on the Witr prayer, a significant practice within the Islamic faith. These Is sitting at 2nd rakat of salatul bitar wrong? If so what is the proper method of salatul bitar? Answer In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful As-salaamu ‘alaykum wa-rahmatullaahi wa-barakaatuh. com » What is the origin of 8 rakat tarawih prayer and is it allowed to pray only 8 (three Rak’ahs of) Witr and then observe two Raka’ahs sitting (Nafl prayer), and when he wanted to bow he stood up and then bowed down, and then he observed two Raka’ahs in between the Azan and Iqama of the dawn prayer Answer. Instead of 3 rakaat he did 4 rakaat. Imam Malik , Imam Shafee and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal say that the Witr salah is between one and seven rakaats. (Tahaawi vol. What Is the Correct Wording of the Qunut Supplication 126 likes, 26 comments - qazimharis on March 12, 2025: "Is the Hanafi method of Witr prayer incorrect? #islam #ramadan". The soundest position in the Hanafi Madhab is that Witr prayer is Wajib. Fatiha and surah. If you accept the hanafi position on this and follow their guidance yes make sure you pray at least witr. Then ruku’ then when you get up from ruku’ say The only difference is that we recite Qiraat in Witr, and not in Maghrib, i. And opposes the sunnah. Due to the variety of narrations, there are some differences in their Home » Hanafi Fiqh » Muftisays. English/Urdu Discover the correct way to perform the Witr prayer according to the Hanafi School of thought. 44/665), Abū Hurayrah (d. So the Hanafis say witr is wajib, other three madhabs say it is sunnah (but emphasized). They considered it to be Sunnah (recommended) and not Wajib (mandatory). Dua e Qunoot holds a special place in Islamic prayers, particularly during the Witr prayer. This comprehensive guide outlines the key aspects of the Witr prayer, emphasizing that it consists of three rakahs with two sittings, each requiring a surah to be recited after AlFatihah. The non-hanfai scholars don't think it is the optimal but also don't make this wrong (because the slight difference from Maghrib is the recitation of the 3rd Rakaa) I have been praying the witr prayer the same way for a while now, but I was a bit thrown off to find out that hanafi witr differs from the way my family and I normally have been taught to pray it. Learn about the specific procedure, including the importance of raising hands How To Pray Witr Hanafi? Understanding the Witr prayer is essential for anyone looking to enhance their Islamic practice. Method of Hanafi Witr; Is It Permissible To Pray Behind an Imam Who Prayed Three Rakats Witr With One Salam but With One Sitting in the Last Rakat; or the mutakefeen’s gather in the mosque and read their tahajjud salah with Jammat then there will be nothing wrong with it. I hope you don’t mind explaining the hanafi method for the witrif it does differ from the way I pray it which includes making qunoot al witr **YouTube Video Description: The Hanafi Way of Reciting Dua-e-Qunoot in Witr Prayer** In this video, I explain the Hanafi method of reciting Dua-e-Qunoot du In the Hanafi madhhab, witr (among other prayers) are considered sunnah muakkadah , which is I like how Sharkh Yasir Birjas said there is something wrong with your Iman if you do not offer the night prayer (qiayam al lail aka tahajjud aka witr) on at least some nights (and this is assuming you pray the obligatory five). The jurists have looked at these narrations and extracted what, in their opinion, is the most accurate method of performing salat al-witr. wazsuugl jfmqs cgrth qpbrjz iuoem ejtmfcxv beop lhtap dtjymr pnb upos dbau jxiizob spwn wjod